Friday, June 11, 2010

The Making of a Banner

an ongoing saga.

I have been wanting to make a new banner for a long time since my original is the first one I made when I first set up shop. My photo taking skills weren't as good as they are now(not that they're so great now.) and I didn't have a clue about photo editing. So today I made my first attempt.
I posted it in the etsy forums for some feedback and came back with It is a great concept but the finished product misses the mark. And I completely agree. It is hard to step back from your work with an objective eye. This is something that because I spelled it have absolutely no trouble reading, but others found it difficult to make out what it said and found the picture to be blurry.
You can see how it looks as a banner at my etsy shop.
but as always the etsy forums are full of ideas suggestions and advice. so I plan to keep at it for as long as I can, all this computer photo pixel sizes editing cropping is really a pain for me because I don't really know what I'm doing just trying this and that.

One suggestion I got was to use a different background so I tried that first. I laid out a large piece of fabric that I had leftover from re upholstering my chairs on my dining room table and set the jewelry out in the shapes of the letters.

Then I just started taking photos, Did some editing and this is what I came up with.

I think it's better but still not quite where I want it to be.

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